It’s Tuesday, March 25, 2025 and 79°F in Austin, Texas

Texas Municipal League Launches New Website

Pallasart implemented a fresh, clean redesigned look for the Texas Municipal League. We implemented the new website using "responsive design" in order to make the website function well and look nice on mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. The site's layout adapts as the browser view port size changes.

We added a new content management system (CMS) to make it easy for them to manage and update a large website with thousands of pages. We we able to take all their existing content and reformat it to the new design. We also transitioned them from a site that used outdated ASP code, to a new site programmed in PHP with MySQL databases.

Additionally, we added social media feeds like Facebook and Twitter.  We gave them the ability to easily add and build forms for signing up for conferences. They also have ability to manage a calendar of events.

We enjoyed working on this project and the great folks at TML. The web design project was completed "on time" and "on budget".

Austin Texas Web Design