Will the site you build for me fit on phones, tablets and laptops?
The answer is yes. Pallasart websites are responsive. We will build your site so that all visitors to it will have an optimal viewing experience. Your site will easily resize to fit any device - from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors. We will carefully craft versions of your site for viewing and easy navigation on differently sized laptop and notebook computers. Your web visitors will love the site we build for you.
What language do you use to program your sites?
We generally build our websites in PHP with MySQL databases. PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor) is a server-side web programming language that is widely used for web development. PHP is the most popular web scripting language and has its roots in C and C++. MySQL is an open source database format that can be interfaced with PHP. Therefore, PHP and MySQL are excellent choice for webmasters looking to automate their web sites. PHP can run on both UNIX and Windows servers. PHP also has powerful output buffering that further increases over the output flow. PHP internally rearranges the buffer so that headers come before contents. PHP is dynamic. PHP can add dynamic elements into an HTML coded page. PHP can be used with a large number of relational database management systems, runs on all of the most popular web servers and is available for many different operating systems. PHP5 a fully object oriented language and its platform independence and speed on Linux server often makes it the best choice to build large and complex web applications. In general PHP is open-source, secure, fast and reliable for developing web applications.
We want a site that is easy to change and update ourselves. Are Pallasart sites easy to update?
Every site we build is unique and designed specifically to a customer's exact specifications. Each site has its own CMS (content management system) which is password-protected. It is extremely easy to use and allows customers to add pages, pictures and graphics, change text, add blog entries and articles, manage store inventory, customer orders, a mailing list and newsletters - and many other things.
Do the costs generally go up in the design process?
No. All of our projects are fixed bid quotes. We give a discount for multiple sites being done at one time. Our terms are 50% at the time the site is commissioned and the balance when it is completed. Once the site is done there is be a period of 30 days when corrections and adjustments within the original scope of work are done to the site at no charge.
How long does it take to build a site?
Generally it takes 2-3 stages to get the design that matches your objectives and projects the right brand image you want. Usually it takes 3-4 weeks from the start of the design process to site completion.
Where will our site be built?
We can build your site on the server of your choice. The only requirement is the selected server must have PHP 5+ and MySQL installed. The inexpensive Linux-based hosting plans provided by most large hosting providers all have PHP and MySQL installed by default. We can help you make the right choices in setting up your hosting plan. We can also walk you through the hosting setup process.
What browsers will our site work in?
We try to build our sites to be compatible with all popular browsers and operating systems. We check our sites on both PCs and Macs, and all the major browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. We try to make our sites as compatible with various browsers as possible. We will help troubleshoot any issues that might arise due to a particular configuration.
We are familiar with the latest advances in web technologies and how they may appear on different platforms.
I don't know much about web marketing. Will you help?
We provide design and marketing services in our price. This will include the development of graphics, marketing messages and various interactive features to help the site meet its business objectives and align with your customer channels. Pallasart can also provide copywriting services to assist with the development of the site. We will also assist in search engine optimization and in the setting up of web advertising. Pallasart canl create web graphics for online advertising if you require them.
What if I don't completely know what I need in my website yet?
We realize that the requirements for sites evolve as we discuss the details and the design process is underway. During the development phase the website will change and evolve; we will work with you as an active partner to suggest improvements and enhancements to the site to make it work better.
Does it matter if we are not in the Austin area? How important is face to face contact in the development of a website?
Many of Pallasart's clients are outside of Texas. It doesn't matter where you are, most website development meetings are held over the phone. We create unique designs for every client and build the draft site in a private location on the web where you can view the progress and make any changes or corrections you want.