• Beautiful Websites That Auto-Fit on Everything - From Smart Phones to Big Desktops

    What is a responsive website?  Simply put, it's a website that's been designed and programmed so all of the content can be seen on any device

    People ask us specifically about smart phones and how well our websites fit them.  We test everything with special emphasis on the most popular brands.

    As new smart phones are released - we add them to our testing list.

    Razer phone - Sony Xperia X2 UltraEveryone uses different devices - many of our customers use laptops and pads.  In the process of designing and programming websites we are asked to test responsiveness on laptops Our websites look great on tablets too.

    If you are looking at a responsive site on a desktop monitor you'll see all of the content in "full view". If your web visitor then accesses your site on a smart phone or tablet the website contracts automatically to adjust to the width of the screen your web visitor is using.

    With a responsive website design, you won't have to have worry about having different websites for various devices. We make sure that your website runs properly on mobile devices.  More than 20% of Google searches are now made on mobile devices and that number is increasing fast.

    Google likes responsive sites because they are more efficient from a 'bot' standpoint.  Google can crawl and index responsive sites rapidly.

    The most important thing about responsive sites is they provide a better user experience. They create a positive experience for younger and more affluent consumers who are apt to use multiple devices and expect their favorite sites to serve content to them in fluid ways.  Let's not forget that 55% of social media activity happens on mobile devices.

    More and more online purchases are being make on mobile devices.  Pallasart can recommend approaches to make it easy to navigate and simple to buy in your responsive website.

    Pallasart designs and builds responsive sites. Whether you need a simple brochure website for your business, or want to modify your existing website to use a responsive design, call us to discuss your objectives.  If you like, we can start from scratch and design you an entirely new site.  If you haven’t redesigned your website in several years, a complete redesign process may be the best and most cost effective solution.

    Call us at 512-547-7315 to discuss your responsive web design project.

    Bob Atchison

    President and Creative Director

    Pallasart Hummingbird Farms

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