It’s Tuesday, March 25, 2025 and 73°F in Austin, Texas
Tech News
Beginners Guide to Trading Ethereum
Ethereum has been making headlines in the investment community due to it's explosive growth, and potentially revolutionary technology of enabling smart contracts. In the world of cyptocurrencies, Ethereum is currently second only to Bitcoin in market capitalization at over $25 billion.
Top 10 Reasons Why Pokemon Go is Better Than Tinder
The Pokemon Go mobile app has been installed twice as many times as the Tinder dating app on Android phones in the United States, and the numbers keep growing.
Websites on New iPad Retina Display
The new iPad resolution of 2,048-by-1,536 pixels allows more content to be viewable onscreen at one time, but at that resolution the text would likely be too small to read without zooming in to enlarge. Learn about the iPad Retina Display and related issues. If you are looking for a web designer in Austin Texas contact Pallasart...
More Adobe Drops Mobile Flash Dev
Yesterday we published a long blog article on this subject. This morning I found an interesting online article on the same subject. It was wriitten by Todd Pasternack, Senior Director of Creative Technology at Pointroll, as a special to ZDNet. You can read the complete article by clicking here.
Isis Mobile Phone Payment Technology
Recently we have been talking in our blog about mobile payment technology and new initiatives in this area. Beginning in 2012 Austin smartphone users will have this option....
Amazon and Texas Close to a Deal
The Austin American Statesman is reporting a possible deal between the State of Texas and Amazon over online sales tax. Barry Harrell reports that Texas is negotiating - and may be close to a deal - to create 5,000 jobs and invest $300 million in the state.
Apple's Announcement - iCloud is Here
This past Monday Steve Jobs unveiled iCloud, and Apple has now joined Amazon and Google in this new phenomenon. iCloud - like its counterparts are rival companies, will store documents, photos and other content on the internet and sync it across multiple Apple devices at no cost...
Google Says No Support for Old Browsers
Google has posted an important announcement online today....
Music on the Cloud
Recently, I discovered Amazon Music, which seems to sell DRM-free high quality MP3 albums at price points that are a little lower than those sold on Apple's iTunes Music Store - I bought an Amazon album for $6.99, which is $3 lower than the $9.99 charged for the same album on iTunes...
Social and Community Based Shopping Websites Are Increasingly Popular
One of the hottest areas in online e-commerce these days are websites that allow like minded individuals to buy and sell goods to others with their same interests...