It’s Tuesday, March 25, 2025 and 73°F in Austin, Texas
Web Design
Want to Use the Viking Color Palette in Your Website?
Scientists have discovered the favorite Viking colors and now you can use them in your website!
Checklist for Law Firms Looking for a Web Designer
Here are some helpful hints and direction on the skills and knowledge your web designer should have.
New Home Builder Website Checklist
Here's a list of the essentials you'll need to create your new home builder website. It's a list of all of the building blocks you'll need to make your site a success.
Maine Resort Redesigns Website
The Moorings in New Harbor did a total redesign of its website and added an availability and booking system.
Why do my website fonts and photos look blurry in Windows 10?
When users install or upgrade to Windows 10, "display scaling" may be turned on "by default" to either 125% or 150% resulting in blurriness when viewing websites or applications on certain monitors.
7 Tips to Speed Up Your Website
Optimizing the speed that your website's content loads - will inevitably increase customer satisfaction, keep them on your website, reducing its bounce rate, and hopefully make them return visitors.
How to Add MLS Listings to Your Real Estate Website
If you are a realtor or real estate broker, you need a website to advertise your business and attract new clients. Get clients to stay on your website by providing access to Multiple Listing Service (MLS) real estate listings.
Benefits to Serving Websites Over HTTPS
There are a multitude of benefits in serving your website over the secure HTTPS protocol, instead of over the unsecure HTTP protocol.
New Real Estate Web-Tools Just Released
Now it's possible to have a website that surpasses the very best in real estate. You can get an incredible design with powerful databases that can do anything and everything you could dream of...
Overcoming Your UNNATURAL FEAR of Cursive Fonts
The unspoken fear all web designers dread - you've been asked to use cursive fonts! There is no escape... yes, it has happened to me, Bob Atchison, many times and I have the battle scars to prove it. Here are some cursive fonts I actually like.
SHERA Russian Art Conference in Venice - Italy
Pallasart was chosen to create and program a website for Translations and Dialogues: The Reception of Russian Art Abroad a SHERA Conference in Venice, October 25-27, 2017. The site has been completed and is live.
Web Apps or Native Mobile Apps - Which Are Better?
There is no doubt that mobile use of the internet is growing exponentially. Larger screen sizes have made it easier to enjoy web content directly from your phone or tablet. So when developing for a mobile device, which is better a web app or a native mobile app?
Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly By April 21st Deadline
Google has announced that it will start using a website's "mobile-friendliness" as an important ranking factor starting April 21, 2015.
Pallasart Builds New Reece Albert Trucking Website
Pallasart launches a new website for Reece Albert Trucking.
What are Pinterest Rich Pins?
Pinterest has introduced an extremely valuable tool called "Rich Pins" for businesses looking to drive traffic and sales to their websites. Rich Pins allows businesses to add extra valuable information and content to photos pinned from their website. This information is automatically added when items are pinned (or re-pinned) from the original website that has implemented rich pin functionality.
What is Responsive Web Design?
The core concept behind "responsive web design" is to implement a single website that is optimized for easy viewing and use regardless of the device and its display size.
The Difference Between Mobile Websites and Apps
Often we get potential customers asking us about developing mobile websites and apps. Sometimes people confuse the two -- since they are both accessed from mobile devices. This article discuses how they are different.
Why We Love Pinterest
Everybody seems to be talking about Pinterest. Companies here in Austin and across the world are exploring ways to integrate it into leading edge web design. In the last week I have had a number of people ask us for ideas on how to integrate Pinterest and how it works...
Coupon Codes Popular With Online Shoppers
Records numbers of shoppers are turning to the internet to make their holiday purchases. Black Friday and Cyber Monday were extremely popular days for shoppers to make online purchases this year. Tech savvy shoppers are always looking for a bargain, and most use the internet to compare prices and find deals. This holds true for both online and in-store purchases. Users will often view the in-store advertisements online ahead of time, before they venture out to the stores.
Using TypeKit in Websites
TypeKit is a Web-based typography service and it making the web more beautiful, readable, and fast. It offers subscriptions to those who want to use sophisticated fonts in their websites with new abilities in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). We have used TypeKit in a large number of websites with great success. TypeKit is a great way to add a fresh new look to a sie at little or no expense. It is easy to set up and easy to manage...