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Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly By April 21st Deadline

Google has announced that it will start using a website's "mobile-friendliness" as an important ranking factor starting April 21, 2015.

Chuck Price on Search Engine Watch has called it Mobilegeddon!

Mobilegeddon is April 21 get your website mobile readyGoogle has indicated that "mobile-friendly" websites will have a significant advantage in mobile search results. Google wants to provide their users with websites that are optimized to be viewed on mobile devices - and thus will rank and show those pages that have been deemed "mobile-friendly" much higher in their results.

Since mobile search is rapidly increasing, it is important to capture these users by making sure that your website will pass the "mobile-friendly test".

If you do a Google search via a mobile device, you may notice under the link and before the description, some sites show a "Mobile-friendly" designation. This will become an even more important ranking factor after the April 21st deadline.

If your site is not mobile-friendly, your site may become all but invisible from the top mobile search results.

Being mobile-friendly has never been more important.  Now it's critical to the success of your site.

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly Today

It is important to take action today, to build a website that optimizes the user experience on mobile devices. The good news is this doesn't have to be a complicated or expensive project.

Pallasart has experience in making websites that are "mobile-friendly" through the use of responsive and adaptive website design techniques.

Call us today at 512-469-7454 to discuss your project, and we will check to see if your website is "mobile-friendly" or not.

Austin Texas Web Design