It’s Tuesday, March 25, 2025 and 73°F in Austin, Texas
My Top Ten Most Beautiful Pictures of Austin
I have spent years looking at pictures of Austin - and these are my favorites - the most outrageous beauties! I have added some comments about colors and life in Austin.
Top 10 Reasons NOT to Move To Austin
With Austin making headlines and ending up on virtually every "Top 10 Best City for..." lists -- we now have about 150 people moving here daily!! We figured we should warn potential new residents of the hidden dangers of moving to Austin.
Why are the Most Creative Websites Conceived and Born in Austin?
Austin - dynamic, unique, business-friendly and a creative place - it's our home.
Twitter Accounts to Follow During SXSW in Austin, TX
It's SXSW time in Austin, TX again, and there are tons of unofficial free parties and events going on around town. Most of the parties have live music, and many have free drinks and food too.
A Pallasart Introduction to Austin
From time to time Pallasart publishes a short summary about Austin and its attractions. As a web design firm with its offices here we are rightly proud of our hometown and like sharing some of the things that makes Austin unique and a fun place to work and live...