It’s Tuesday, March 25, 2025 and 73°F in Austin, Texas
Pallasart News
EGA Launches New Pallasart Site
EGA is the author of important Texas environmental reports for Barton Springs and the Edwards Aquifer
Wow! Best of Houzz for Design
In 2014 Olson-Defendorf won the award for best website design from the Texas Home Builder Association and now it's the 2015 Best of Houzz award for Design.
Best Website Award - Texas Association of Builders
The Texas Association of Builders (TAB) announced and presented the 2014 Star Awards Winners. The highly-coveted Star Awards are given annually to recognize excellence in all areas of the home building industry. Olsen-Defendorf Custom Homes won best website for 2014. Pallasart designed and programmed the site.
Pallasart Hosts Annual Russian Easter Party
On Sunday April 15, Pallasart and its President Bob Atchison hosted their annual Russian Orthodox Easter Open House. There was an amazing Austin connection relating to the 100th anniversary of the sinking of HMS Titanic.,.