It’s Tuesday, March 25, 2025 and 73°F in Austin, Texas

Luxury Websites Cut Out the Middleman

Online tailors deliver big savings for consumers

There was a very interesting article in the New York Times today on a new start up e-commerce website targeting the men's luxury market, J. Hilburn.  They are offering ready-to-wear clothes you can order online.  They are also offering a service where you can meet with one of their style advisors who will come to your place or work or home to measure you for tailored - bespoke - clothes which are then made in their factories in China or Portugal.  The style advisor brings fabric samples with them for customers to select from.  For shirts men can select from 14 different collars, 10 cuffs and 5 types of pockets.

Pallasart Luxury WebsitesJ. Hilburn pays the style advisors a commission, not a salary.  They have no actual store locations.  It is a virtual business.  The New York Times article reports savings of 40% on similar items from retail stores.

What I find interesting about the new e-commerce enterprise is that it could be a great opportunity for both consumers and the advisors.  Consumers have the convenience of online or in person service and they save money.  Being a style advisor could be a big opportunity for individuals who are great at sales and self-motivated.  I can see a huge repeat clientele and large individual purchases.  One can only imagine the referrals an advisor could get from happy customers.

It seems to me that anybody can get into this business.  Of course you have the budget to get going and you need vendors to made your clothes.  Those of you looking to really make your mark will also need high-quality luxury websites.  I think there could be all sorts of niche markets in online bespoke clothes.  For example, down here in Austin it might be for western wear.

If you would like take about building your own online tailor please give us a call.

Bob Atchison


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