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Google Annouces Real Time Social Search Results

Google recently annouced that their search results were going to include real-time results from popular social networking sites. From the Official Google Blog:
"First, we're introducing new features that bring your search results to life with a dynamic stream of real-time content from across the web. Now, immediately after conducting a search, you can see live updates from people on popular sites like Twitter and FriendFeed, as well as headlines from news and blog posts published just seconds before. When they are relevant, we'll rank these latest results to show the freshest information right on the search results page."
These new results pull from a wide variety of social networking sites that they have partnered with. They report:
"Our real-time search features are based on more than a dozen new search technologies that enable us to monitor more than a billion documents and process hundreds of millions of real-time changes each day. Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of our new partners that we're announcing today: Facebook, MySpace, FriendFeed, and — along with Twitter, which we announced a few weeks ago."
What does this mean to people designing and building a website?
One potential outcome is that  results from these social networking  sites  may compete with other relavent links. On popular search terms, the first page of results maybe crowded with new social networking links --  new links that  will compete for user attention.
Additionally, you may also need to keep an even closer eye on the internet and Google search results to protect your brand. With random comments from Twitter and similar sites appearing on the first page of results, formerly somewhat private comments -- both praises and criticisms can get magnified.

Finally, you may want to make a fan page for your brand on Facebook or setup a Twitter feed. We talk about the pros and cons of companie's setting up Facebook and Twitter pages here in this article. 

Austin Texas Web Design